Ringworm is common in many animals, and horses are no exception! Ringworm is a type of fungus that presents itself as hairless patches with crusty, scabby skin, usually circular in shape and a...
Dermatophilosis known commonly as Rain Rot, or Rain Scald, presents as matted, tuffs of hair with tight scabs, that come off in clumps, quite easily when tugged. The skin underneath can appear raw,...
All horse owners are familiar with this waxy, clumpy substance on the front (and occasionally back) of the cannon bones of the back legs. This proper term for this substance is called Cannon Kerato...
If you have been unfortunate enough to have to deal with scratches, you understand the udder frustration this skin condition can cause! Pastern Dermatitis, commonly known as scratches, mud fev...
Sweet Itch is a term used for hypersensitivity to the saliva of biting insects. Horses can go to extreme measures to relieve themselves from the itchiness, and rub away patches of skin, leaving the...
Wounds and horses are two words that come hand in hand. Horses are notorious for getting themselves into trouble, and luckily, we have products that can help you help your horse heal!*Please note &...